Tag Archives: Pair Trading Signals

Automated Pair Trading Signals

Trade of the Month January 2023 Barrick Gold vs. Southern Copper +$726 and 18% Return on $4,000 Margin in 5 Market Days

(based on 5:1 CFD margin)

Learn a proven trading strategy that is viable in all market conditions and is backed up by decades of academic research and real-world application…stock pair trading! WATCH OUR VIDEO of pro pair trader Pedro Alonso as he takes you through this month’s selected stock pair trade analysis. This live signal is from the automated pair trading signals of our November FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs:

Automated pair trading signals
Don´t Have Time to Backtest and Filter? Read More →

LIVE Trading Signals MAY FAST 50: 7 Weeks In…

+17% ALPHA VS. S&P 500 TOTAL RETURN FAST 50 + 6.1%, S&P500 TOTAL RETURN -10.8%

17 closed trades, 14 winners, 82% Win Rate!

The out-of-sample, unfiltered LIVE trading signals generated from our May Vintage FAST 50 U.S.Equities Pairs, which launched on 2 May 2022, delivered approx. $2,000 Net Profit on an imputed account equity of about $30,000 for more than a 6% return. Meanwhile buy & hold of the S&P 500, including dividends, delivered -10.8% over the same period!

Here is a detailed summary of the performance:

live trading signals

Here are the live trading signals as outlined above,

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Stock Pair Trading the Top 30 Nov 2020 Vintage: First Five Weeks’ Results

For those of you who are new to this site, stock Pair Trading involves simultaneously entering LONG (i.e. BUYING) and entering SHORT (i.e. SELLING) two “paired” stocks.

stock pair trading

Why Pair Trade Stocks?

Stock Pair Trading has been shown to provide protection from market crashes, controlled risk, low correlation to the market averages and ability to generate significant and consistent returns.  Multiple recent research studies have demonstrated returns to be in the range of 2%-4% per month*, on a 4:1 leverage basis, over more than a decade.

Add in the use of Cointegrated Stock Pairs and the historical returns look even stronger**.

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Altra Industrial Motion Corp. (AIMC:NASDAQ)  vs. The Timken Company (TKR:NYSE)
  • Entry Trading Signal of 25/7/2019, Exit Trading Signal 24/9/2019
  • $474 in 40 Market Days
  • 19% Return on Margin

(based on $10,000/leg and 4:1 CFD margin)


pair trading signal Learn to Pair Trade Stocks with PairTrade Finder® PRO
  • Seek consistent profits regardless of market direction (Bull market? Bear market? Sideways?  It doesn’t matter with pair trading)
  • Use hedged positions to protect from a market crash (you are long and short correlated stocks in equal measure)
  • Create,
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