Tag Archives: Trading Software

US Stock Pair Trading Profitability: 16.1% in 3 Months. Out-of-Sample Results Meet Expectations

Here at PairTrade Finder® we receive constant requests from customers and potential customers to demonstrate the actual pair trading profitability of US stocks using the PairTrade Finder® PRO system.  Is it profitable and, if so, how profitable?  Can it be used as a new career?  Can it have a significant impact on the lives of its practitioners?

Pair Trading Profitability Track Record

We don’t publish a real money track record.  Nor do we make any promises about your potential returns from pair trading.

However, we are able to show you out-of-sample results for our Top 30 US Equities Pairs released on 12 Nov 2019 until 15 February 2020 as an actual recent example. 

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Trading Psychology: Use Our Acclaimed Software Platform to Gain Confidence

trading psychology

Trading Psychology is More Important Than Your System

The personal attitude (trading psychology in our parlance) required to succeed in pair trading is the same attitude required to succeed in any other style of trading or anything else in life for that matter. Every trading system or style will have drawdowns and soft patches, that’s the nature of the trading beast. There is not one trading system we are aware of that will produce profit, day in day out all the time (except Virtu’s ultra-high-frequency algorithms co-located at exchanges at the time of their IPO).

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How a Stock Trading System Costing Under $2/Day Can Help Deliver Consistent Profits

PairTrade Finder® PRO, our acclaimed pairs trading software platform, encapsulates a stock trading system refined over more than 10 years.  We employ a hedge fund trading strategy that has been empirically demonstrated to be highly profitable over multi-decades on the S&P 500 (1), delivering between 1%-5% per month over the market return over more than 10 years.

Stock trading systems are useful to keep your emotions out of your buy and sell decisions.  And the trading legends will agree:

stock trading system

(Linda Bradford Raschke began her professional trading career in 1981 making markets in options as a member of two exchanges.

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Learn Pair Trading: Thoughts for a Motivational Monday

Learn pair trading of stocks long/short for consistent profits.  Join our free 30-Minute Webinar Trade Like a Hedge Fund and start your 15 Day Free Trial of PairTrade Finder® PRO today.

Free triallers also receive access to our Pair Trading Video Training Course.  Taught by a professional pair trader, this series presents pair trading in simple, easily accessible terms.  Its 11 lectures span over three hours and access is yours at no extra cost.  Our course gives you the tools to begin trading stock pairs profitably in as short a time as possible.

Learn Pair Trading of Stocks Today!

Exhaustive and robust academic research of stock pair trading strategies on the S&P 500 show you the way. 

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Pair Trade Stocks: Monday Morning Thoughts on Learning

Learn how to pair trade stocks like a professional hedge fund manager.  Get our full suite of educational tools today for FREE.  Sign up for our list and receive:

  1. Our eBook Trade Like a Hedge Fund
  2. Our 30-minute Webinar
  3. A 15 Day Trial of our platform (no payment required), and
  4. Our 3 Hour Video Training Course

all for FREE, today, just by joining our mailing list (see sidebar).

PairTrade Finder® PRO is integrated with Interactive Brokers for Real Time Data on 100 markets at no extra cost,

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