Category Archives: Uncategorized

Automated Pair Trading Signals

Trade of the Month January 2023 Barrick Gold vs. Southern Copper +$726 and 18% Return on $4,000 Margin in 5 Market Days

(based on 5:1 CFD margin)

Learn a proven trading strategy that is viable in all market conditions and is backed up by decades of academic research and real-world application…stock pair trading! WATCH OUR VIDEO of pro pair trader Pedro Alonso as he takes you through this month’s selected stock pair trade analysis. This live signal is from the automated pair trading signals of our November FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs:

Automated pair trading signals
Don´t Have Time to Backtest and Filter? Read More →

Pair Trade of The Month: November 2022

B2 Gold Corp. vs. Pan American Silver Corp. $1,443 in 14 Market Days! 36% Return ($10k/leg at 5:1 CFD Margin) The Best Stock Pairs to Trade Pair Trading for Income?

Looking for a part-time occupation that can be learned relatively easily and can generate a recurring income?

That can take as little as 1 hour/day or even less?

That uses a share trading system that has been shown to deliver consistent profitability over many decades and in all stock market conditions?

Look no further than stock pair trading with our award-winning software,

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Scaling-In to Pair Trades: Turbo-Charge Returns with Layers on Low Volatility Stock Pairs

October Trade of the Month Agnico Eagle Mines vs. Harmony Gold Corp $3,346 in 21 Market Days. 42% Return on Margin

($10,000/leg, Double Layer Entry, 5:1 CFD Margin)

Many of you know that our award-winning pair trading software, PairTrade Finder® PRO, gives you the ability to program and execute multiple layered entries (scaling-in to a pair trade).

Watch our video taking you though our October Trade of the Month, where pro pair trader Pedro Alonso demonstrates scaling-in to a pair trade:

How Do I Learn Scaling-In to a Pair Trade?

We have produced a tutorial on scaling-in and it forms part our acclaimed Pair Trading Video Course.

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Are Investors Staring Down Another ‘Lost Decade’ in the Stock Market?

Listen to What Stock Market Expert Trader Stanley Druckenmiller Has to Say About It…

So many investors in the stock market today have only ever known the steady bull market from early 2009 until 2021. For them, they idea that a simple buy-and-hold S&P 500 index strategy will deliver healthy double digit returns, year-in year-out ,is (was) pretty much internalised gospel.

Brave New World…

Well, the world is changing fast in 2022. The U.S. 2-Year Treasury just hit 4.2% yield today, the highest in 15 years! The 10-Year yield has crept up to 3.7%. At some point the reward/risk profile of U.S.

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Pair Trading Stocks with Options. How?

Excellent Strategy for Stock Pairs with Liquid Options Markets

Here at PairTrade Finder® it is our mission to deliver the tools and the knowledge to help traders become consistently profitable. One potential weapon in your arsenal? Learn about pair trading stocks with options!

We love this strategy when deployed on the most liquid and largest market cap U.S. equities pairs with similar prices. The key is to have a highly liquid options available on each of the symbols in the pair.

Why do we love it? It offers the possibility for a U.S.-based trader to access high leverage,

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Best Side Hustle? July Trade of the Month!

Delivers $462 in 12 Days on $2,000 Margin

Looking for a “side hustle” that can be learned relatively easily and can generate a recurring income? That can take as little as 1 hour/day or even less? That uses a share trading system that has been shown to deliver consistent profitability over many decades and in all stock market conditions?

Look no further than stock pair trading with our award-winning software, PairTrade Finder® PRO. Next, add in the live signals generated from our hand-picked, pre-loaded FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs!

The latest live trading signal from our FAST 50 U.S.

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Learn to Pair Trade: June Trade of the Month Video Shows You How!

Aerojet Rocketdyne vs. Kratos $704 in 17 Market Days on $2,000 Margin

We are highlighting a member of our May FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs as our stock pair trade of the month for June.  Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Inc.. (NYSE:AJRD) vs. Kratos Defense & Security Systems Inc. (NYSE:KTOS) .  In line with its great backtest (below) the latest LIVE trade delivered $704 Net Profit and a 35% return on margin in 17 market days ($5,000/leg position size and 5:1 CFD margin).  Here is Pedro Alonso’s detailed trade entry and exit analysis for this sweet pair trade:

learn to pair trade Backtest Results

In backtesting over the two years prior to May 2022,

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LIVE Trading Signals MAY FAST 50: 7 Weeks In…

+17% ALPHA VS. S&P 500 TOTAL RETURN FAST 50 + 6.1%, S&P500 TOTAL RETURN -10.8%

17 closed trades, 14 winners, 82% Win Rate!

The out-of-sample, unfiltered LIVE trading signals generated from our May Vintage FAST 50 U.S.Equities Pairs, which launched on 2 May 2022, delivered approx. $2,000 Net Profit on an imputed account equity of about $30,000 for more than a 6% return. Meanwhile buy & hold of the S&P 500, including dividends, delivered -10.8% over the same period!

Here is a detailed summary of the performance:

live trading signals

Here are the live trading signals as outlined above,

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“Dog” of the Month May 2022

REQUIRED VIEWING: A Lesson in Trailing Stops and Trade Management. Expedia Group Inc. (NASDAQ:EXPE) vs. Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAR)

If you are the type of pair trader that likes to trade raw signals from our FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs, then you are probably in a lot of PnL pain this month from EXPE/MAR…

Our message? Don’t be!

Watch our video as pro pair trader Pedro Alonso Calvo takes you through his arsenal of pair trade management techniques. His discipline can help you avoid large PnL losses from a pair trade that begins to perform but then reverses.Also includes a review of the most important filters to respect BEFORE entering any pair trade:

trade management PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 U.S. Read More →

Proven Trading Strategy? FAST 50 Strikes Again…

April Trade of the Month: Ecopetrol SA vs. Shell plc $319 Net Profit on $2,000 margin in 7 Market Days!

(based on 5:1 CFD margin and applying PTF trade management techniques)

Learn a proven trading strategy backed up by decades of academic research and real-world application…stock pair trading!

As an example of how this strategy works, WATCH OUR VIDEO of pro pair trader Pedro Alonso as he takes you through a stock pair trade Entry analysis:

Proven Trading Strategy

In it you can see our pair trade filtering Cheat Sheet and our pair trading software,

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