Monthly Archives: June 2023

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Unleashing the Power of Equities Pair Trading: Exploring Cointegration and Expected Returns

In the world of trading, where opportunities and pitfalls abound, equities pair trading stands out as a strategy that offers unique advantages. For intermediate-level traders with a solid understanding of trading and basic mathematics, employing the cointegration method in stock pair trading can unlock a world of potential gains. In this article, we delve into the benefits of equities pair trading using the cointegration method and explore the likely expected trading returns based on the latest academic research focused on S&P 500 stocks.

Understanding Equities Pair Trading

Equities pair trading involves selecting two correlated stocks and taking positions based on the historical relationship between their prices.

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Trade of the Month MAY 2023

The power of stock pair trading is long proven in the investment world, where it is valued for its ability to generate low-risk profits month in and month out, sometimes on a weekly basis. Read More →