Monthly Archives: November 2020

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ADVANCED PAIR TRADING 301: How to Increase Profitability and Lower Volatility

Trailing Stops, Take Profits and Corporate Action Screening…

Watch as Geoffrey S. T. Hossie, Managing Director of Event Driven Investor Ltd., takes you through more advanced pair trading techniques.  Techniques that can increase profitability and lower volatility in stock pair trading returns.

Covers the use of trailing stops, take profit targets, and avoiding fundamental-value-shifting corporate actions.

All using PairTrade Finder® PRO v2.2 and the latest August Vintage of the Top 30 U.S. Equities Pairs.

Watch the video here:

advanced pair trading

Let Us Help You Develop a Successful Trading Edge

PairTrade Finder® PRO is our acclaimed pairs trading software platform. 

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