Best Side Hustle? July Trade of the Month!

Delivers $462 in 12 Days on $2,000 Margin

Looking for a “side hustle” that can be learned relatively easily and can generate a recurring income? That can take as little as 1 hour/day or even less? That uses a share trading system that has been shown to deliver consistent profitability over many decades and in all stock market conditions?

Look no further than stock pair trading with our award-winning software, PairTrade Finder® PRO. Next, add in the live signals generated from our hand-picked, pre-loaded FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs!

The latest live trading signal from our FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pair Esco Technologies (ESE:NYSE) vs. MKS Instruments (MKSI: NASDAQ) didn’t disappoint. The signal offered to our subscribers a great stock pair trade that generated $462 of profit on $2,000 of account equity. Watch our VIDEO to learn how we filter and manage these trades:

Best side hustle
Delivered $462 in 12 Market Days on $2000 Account Equity ($5k/leg trade size, 5:1 CFD leverage)

Can PairTrade Finder® PRO Provide You with Your Best Side Hustle?

At PairTrade Finder® we’ve made it our mission to teach you how to become a consistently profitable pair trader in 30 days or less. We (and over 6,000 others) are convinced we have the platform, the educational materials and a proven trading strategy to get you there.

Pair Trading involves simultaneously entering LONG (i.e. BUYING) and entering SHORT (i.e. SELLING) two “paired” securities.

It provides protection from market crashes, controlled risk and low correlation to the market averages. Add in the ability to generate significant income and consistent returns and we think you will agree we have a winner.

No need to worry about the typical investor concerns. Things like interest rate rises, inflation, unemployment, recession, investment earnings or a market crash!

In short, pair trading for income allows you to stop worrying about Mr. Market almost entirely. It allows you to find money-making opportunities in any market, bull, bear or sideways.

That’s why professional traders and managers are so attracted to the stock pair trading strategy. They’ve been using it successfully for over 50 years, in all market conditions.

Does It Really Work?

Multiple recent research studies across the whole S&P 500 universe have demonstrated returns to be in the range of 2%-4% per month* (assumes a 4:1 leverage basis). These returns have been shown to exist over decades.

Add in the use of Cointegrated Stock Pairs and the historical returns look even stronger**.

Click here to see a recent analysis of the performance of our Live Pair Trading signals:

You can also check out testimonials and comments of our subscribers at, just scroll down the page to the “Thoughts of PairTrade Finder® PRO Users” section.

Is It Easy to Learn and What Do I Have to Do?

Like any of the best side hustles, there is some initial work involved. Additionally, there is always risk to be managed. We know this and have been successfully bringing new pair traders into our tribe for over 13 years!

Subscribe today and receive a 15-Day Free Trial of PairTrade Finder® PRO, our FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs and ALL our educational materials.

That´s right! We provide you with our acclaimed 4-HOUR, 13-LECTURE PAIR TRADING VIDEO TRAINING COURSE for FREE when you sign up. This course is taught by professional pair traders and is a serious value-add to your trading knowledge.

In our Video Course you will learn how to use our great software to easily backtest for the best correlated stock pairs. Then, we teach you to filter trading signals for entry, apply sensible position sizing and trade management techniques, and manage a portfolio. Using the knowledge in these videos will help to give you a great shot at reaching consistent profitability in your trading.

Then, with our hand-selected and pre-loaded FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs, PTF PRO will immediately begin generating live trading signals for you to review!

What’s more, we add in 13 software tutorial videos, an eBook and our monthly trade analyses, all for free.

Find out all about it at

Happy trading.

Geoff, Paul & The PairTrade Finder® Team

NB: The FAST 50 example pair trades in PairTrade Finder® PRO and the trading signals generated therefrom are provided for informational and educational purposes only. They should not be construed as personalised investment advice. It should not be assumed that trading using the parameters demonstrated by the Software will be profitable and will not result in losses. Please see our full Terms & Disclaimer here.

Join today for a free trial and immediate high-probability pair trading signals!

* See studies underlying pair trading’s profitability.


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