Author Archives: Pairtrade Finder®

Are Investors Staring Down Another ‘Lost Decade’ in the Stock Market?

Listen to What Stock Market Expert Trader Stanley Druckenmiller Has to Say About It…

So many investors in the stock market today have only ever known the steady bull market from early 2009 until 2021. For them, they idea that a simple buy-and-hold S&P 500 index strategy will deliver healthy double digit returns, year-in year-out ,is (was) pretty much internalised gospel.

Brave New World…

Well, the world is changing fast in 2022. The U.S. 2-Year Treasury just hit 4.2% yield today, the highest in 15 years! The 10-Year yield has crept up to 3.7%. At some point the reward/risk profile of U.S.

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Proven Trading Strategy? FAST 50 Strikes Again…

April Trade of the Month: Ecopetrol SA vs. Shell plc $319 Net Profit on $2,000 margin in 7 Market Days!

(based on 5:1 CFD margin and applying PTF trade management techniques)

Learn a proven trading strategy backed up by decades of academic research and real-world application…stock pair trading!

As an example of how this strategy works, WATCH OUR VIDEO of pro pair trader Pedro Alonso as he takes you through a stock pair trade Entry analysis:

Proven Trading Strategy

In it you can see our pair trade filtering Cheat Sheet and our pair trading software,

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Pair Trade Signals: Trade of the Month FEBRUARY 2022

Pair Trade Signals in Action! Ameresco Inc (NYSE:AMRC) vs. TopBuild Corp (NYSE:BLD) $446 in 12 Market Days for 45% Return on $1,000 Margin

(assumes $2.5k/leg and 5:1 CFD Margin)

Watch our detailed video below showing how one of our seasoned pair traders, Pedro Alonso, take you through his cheat sheet on how to filter the best Pair Trade Signals.  He shows how AMRC/BLD met the grade and produced a chunky gain in just 12 trading days:

pair trade signals

Generate Immediate Pair Trade Signals using our Curated FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs

At PairTrade Finder® we analyse over 2,200 U.S.

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We Find You the Best Pairs to Trade. Looking to turbo-boost your share trading with the best pairs to trade?  We are pleased to announce the release of our newest FEBRUARY VINTAGE FAST 50 U.S. EQUITIES PAIRS and a FEBRUARY SUPER SALE to go with them.  Backtesting at a 6.6% imputed monthly return and over 100% p.a. return. (Based on 5:1 leverage). Watch our video on what these FAST 50 and PairTrade Finder PRO can do for you today: best pairs to trade PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs & High-Probability Pair Trading Signals for Review

We do the heavy lifting for you with our latest February 2022 Vintage of our FAST 50 U.S.

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How to Avoid Bad Pair Trades: “Dog” of the Month January 2022

Lam Research Corporation (NASDAQ:LRCX) vs. Qorvo, Inc. (NASDAQ:QRVO)

***How to Avoid Bad Pair Trades*** Watch pair trader Pedro Alonso take you through our January 2022 Trade of the Month – this time we highlight a Top 30 trading signal NOT TO TRADE and why…so welcome to the first DOG OF THE MONTH for January 2022, LRCX vs. QRVO. It is just as important to learn how to AVOID bad pair trades:

How to Avoid Bad Pair Trades

If you watched our Trade of the Month video for Dec 2021, you will have seen in detail how Pedro takes you through our pair trade screening “cheat sheet”

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Pair Trade of the Month: December 2021

Trading Checklist for Signal Filtering: The Cheat Sheet! Alliance Bernstein vs. Victory Capital $457 on $2,000 margin in 6 Market Days 23% Return on Margin!

($5,000/leg using 5:1 CFD margin)

Trading checklist

For those of you who have been pair trading for awhile, and especially for anyone newly entering the activity, we’ve prepared a detailed video that captures our trading checklist that we deploy for pair trading signal filtering.

Watch pair trader Pedro Alonso take you through his thorough and effective trading checklist for filtering PairTrade Finder® PRO trading signals. See our “Cheat Sheet”

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November Pair Trade of the Month

A Lesson in Trade Management Techniques CRM vs. NUAN $497 Profit in 5 Market Days or -$385 Loss in 40 Days…


Watch this short video in pair trade management techniques that highlights how applying a trailing stop or trade-to-target approach to your pair trading signals can significantly impact your profit and loss account consistency:

trade management techniques

A key element to your trading plan is the application of trade management techniques, which are critical, but before you can manage a trade you need high-probability trading signals to analyse and decide whether to execute. 

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Best Pair Trades: August Trade of the Month

Looking For the Best Pair Trades? Amcor plc vs. Berry Global Inc. $537 in 9 Market Days! 13.4% Return on Margin

(based on $10k/leg size and 5:1 CFD margin)

Watch our stock pair trade analysis from this pair from our July Vintage LAYERED FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs:Best Pair Trades

PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 – One Step Closer to Automated Trading of the Best Pair Trades

We analyse over 2,200 U.S. equities to find you the best stock pairs to trade! We update this portfolio of curated stock pairs on a more-or-less quarterly basis to ensure these pairs stay fresh and their correlations and cointegrations strong to offer you the highest-probability setups. 

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One Step Closer to Automated Pair Trading: Our LAYERED FAST 50 U.S. Stock Pairs

Check out our new LAYERED FAST 50 U.S. Equity Pairs! Get them now FREE as a paid-up subscriber or when you start a new Free Trial of PTF PRO v2! We’ve added LAYERED ENTRIES, an advanced technique we’ve automatedto help you increase reward/risk and lower drawdowns. Watch a quick VIDEO of these layers in action during Friday’s Live Intraday Exit on one of our new LAYERED FAST 50, Levi Strauss & Co vs. Ralph Lauren Corporation. Net Profit $507 and a 12.7% return on margin in 18 days: automated pair trading PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 Cointegrated U.S. Read More →

Layer Up! Scale-In to the Best Pair Trades Using PTF PRO’s Layers Function

Looking for the Best Pair Trades? Want to Learn Advanced Techniques to Make Them Better?

In our effort to regularly deliver to our subscribers the best pair trades, we have developed a curated portfolio of 50 U.S. Cointegrated Stock Pairs, the FAST 50! What’s more, in order to seek to improve your potential Reward/Risk ratio further, and potentially reduce your maximum adverse excursion, we’ve added LAYERS. Welcome to the new LAYERED FAST 50 U.S. Equities Pairs July 2021 Vintage from PairTrade Finder®!  For a VIDEO explaining everything, see below:

Best Pairs to Trade

PairTrade Finder®’s FAST 50 Cointegrated U.S. Read More →