Category Archives: Uncategorized

On the Fence about Learning to Trade Like a Professional Prop Trader?

For those of you that dream about being a consistently profitable and successful prop trader, but haven’t found the time or the will to proceed, we thought this quote might be insightful:

Learn to trade like a professional Prop Trader

Learning to Trade Like a Professional Prop Trader – Let Us Lead the Way!

Why not start a free trial of our award-winning hedge fund trading platform today? With it, you gain access our full educational suite designed to help you become a successful prop trader in under 30 days:

  • 17 Tutorial Videos on how to get up and running on our software,
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From Backtest to Profit: Meet the Top Stock Pairs Delivering 45% ROI in 9 Months

Boom! We’re bringing you the most profitable, battle-tested top stock pairs of 2024 — ready to jump-start your trading in 2025.

Introducing our TOP 50 “OUT-OF-SAMPLE” PAIR STARS – January ’25 Vintage. These pairs have been rigorously tested and carefully curated from 9 months of real-world performance.

What makes them out-of-sample? It means we’ve already put them to the test in live market conditions, and they’ve passed with flying colors.

Back in April 2024, we launched a comprehensive research project, paper trading a set of 132 pairs based on parameters set through exhaustive backtesting and filtering at that time. 

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AI-Assisted Pair Trading: A Study of Recent Cumulative Returns

Something extraordinary is happening in the markets. It’s a breakthrough that could redefine how everyday investors approach trading—and it’s all thanks to the surprising power of artificial intelligence. Have you ever considered using the latest financial LLM´s to deploy an AI-assisted pair trading strategy? A recent study, Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models, has uncovered a simple, AI-driven strategy that generates extraordinary results.

AI-Assisted Pair Trading Strategy: Cumulative Returns Analysis

Source: Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models*. Alejandro Lopez-Lira and Yuehua Tang,

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Relative Value Trading: Eric Weinstein Loves Pair Trading?

Eric Weinstein: Bridging Quantum Physics and Finance

Eric Weinstein is a prominent intellectual whose expertise spans both the realms of quantum physics and finance (including the concept of relative value stock pair trading). With a PhD in Mathematical Physics from Harvard, Weinstein has made significant contributions to theoretical physics, particularly in areas like gauge theory and geometry. He is also the creator of the “Geometric Unity” theory, which aims to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics—an ambitious undertaking in the scientific world.

However, beyond his contributions to physics, Weinstein’s career extends into the financial domain. He has served as Principal of the Natron Group,

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How a Reliable Algorithmic Trading System Can Boost New Trader Success

“Take calculated risks.  That is very different from being rash.

– General George S. Patton Jr.

One of the main reasons why so many new and discretionary traders lose money is that they have no idea what they are doing. 

Stock graphic depicting rising and falling of stock.

They might have watched a few “trading tutorials” on YouTube or – worse – bought a shady online day trading course for a lot of money, and then decided to open a broker account.

Many online traders also spend a lot of their time looking for a method to trade, or are constantly changing their methods,

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How to Avoid Poverty In Retirement

The human population has been a young one for most of its history: high fertility rates and short lifespans mean children have accounted for a large share of the population. But the world is ageing: there are now more people older than 64 than younger than 5 years old. This marks a historic demographic change.”


The above thought-provoking article reveals that, as of 2018, the population of human beings who are 65 and older has now surpassed those under 5 for the first time ever.

How the Earth’s Population Is Forecast to Age  Read More →

Is Pair Trading Viable in 2024?

In the fast-paced world of quantitative trading, the viability of stock pair trading remains a hot topic. While some classic pairs trading strategies have seen diminishing returns, recent research highlights new opportunities, particularly among ETFs. Read More →

How to Become a Successful Prop Trader: Let Ultimate Alpha 3.0 Show You the Way

Ready to dive into pairs trading and become a successful prop trader? 

In the high-stakes world of trading, it is the bold innovators who triumph.

As T.S. Eliot said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

Our acclaimed PairTrade Finder® Ultimate Alpha 3.0 pair trading software, together with our pre-loaded Top USA Stock Pair Stars quarterly vintages, are your fast track to doing just that. Have a look at the numbers:

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How to Cultivate a Successful Trading Mindset

Achieving a successful trading mindset is paramount for any sophisticated financial trader. To navigate the complexities of trading, one must set clear expectations, practice patience, define performance targets realistically, and emphasize risk management. Watch our video below for a discussion of how these elements come together to form a resilient trading psychology

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Evergreen Hedge Fund Strategy: How to Pair Trade Stocks

In the dynamic world of stock trading, sophisticated traders are always on the lookout for strategies that provide a competitive edge. Our latest video, "Why You Want to Pair Trade Stocks" delves into the intricacies of pair trading and highlights how PairTrade Finder® Ultimate Alpha 3.0 can revolutionize your trading approach:

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